
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Spiritual and medical atom bombs of my life

Ubqari Magazine - January 2016

Get Son instead of Daughter

If daughters are born to women, they should use seeds of unripe pumpkin by mixing it with sugar candy after one month of pregnancy and continue use of it till end of third month. A boy will be born instead of girl. This experience is fifty percent successful.

For pregnancy:-

If a pregnant woman is got eaten two ounce sugar candy with four ounce unripe pumpkin in preliminary and last month during pregnancy, the colour of infant will be surely fair.

The secret of begetting beautiful offspring:-Excessive use of Oranges during pregnancy is secret of begetting beautiful child. One who desires may try. Use of grapes during pregnancy is also secret of begetting beautiful child. During pregnancy, Use of mixing of Almond oil with 250g milk in the morning and evening times cause of begetting beautiful, intelligent and cunning child. Use of melon and watermelon cause of getting beautiful offspring.

Spiritual healing of sterile woman:-

Hadrat Baba Fareed ud din Masood Gunj Shakar chishti (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) said: If a woman is deprived of off spring, she should be eaten following charm after writing daily for seven days. If by Allah's willing there will not be born a son, she can grip my shirt front on the day of judgement.The charm is as under:-

صراح  جمیع


سر سر


Spiritual recital for marriage:-

If someone's daughter is unmarried and no one gives response to her to marry, he should recite   100times after praying two genuflexions)Rak'aat) and pray for this purpose. By Allah's willing, there will be a response within a month.

For marriage:- If there is obstacle in marriage due to evil eye, write down the following charm and keep it on head for a few minutes and then burn it. If effect of evil eye does not demolish, three charms are enough.



Powerful and miraculous gift: - Fry 1/2 kg wheat fine in 1kg desi ghee. 

Usual flavored sugar mixed with fennel, 250 gm small and large cardamom, keeps all the fine powder mixed in. Dose Take a tablespoon of warm milk in the morning and evening. Mental weakness, memory loss, nervous weakness, removing the lens, body without power and body weakness and muscle strain, back pain, arthritis male-specific weakness, extremely powerful and miraculous gifts for women internal diseases. Just try it if you don’t believe.( doctor ).

Married to:  If you want to get married put amulets of such name for forty days under the pillows of your love one. 












































Make the fine paper box placed above the image and write (بِسْمِ اللہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ) above separated paper and then write in such a way like this before they take the field. Fill no. 1 mentioned above and then no. 2 in it. Like that fill all 8 boxes. Write the name of marriage to) and then down write the name (ie the desire to marry). Place amulets under his pillow. If purpose required is too early then put amulet between two stones. Each stone must weigh at least 2 kg. Heavy stones would not be a problem, but stones should not be less than of 2 kg, and place these stones on floor not any table. This work should only do for legitimate objective if it is taken for unfair then will have grievous harm. Marriage for spiritual process: after doing all works before going to sleep at night recite 11 times Darud Shareef and Surah Ikhlas forty (41) times. Just pray for the wedding, the period is 90 days, must complete your 90 days even if during this got engaged or married. For offspring: if someone’s off springs has died, and not any chance produce any offspring he should recite 3000 times Ya Jabbaru (یَاجَبَّارُ) after Isha prayer and blow on 3 almond nuts, then give 1 to  

the wife and eat 2 himself and do meeting with wife. Repeat this process for 11 days. InshaAllah wife would conceive a child to be achromophilous. When the child is born, give name Azizullah or Ataullah and for seven years slaughter of a goat for him. For off springs: if someone wants achromophilous child so he should recite 11 times his first day of marriage then do meeting with wife then by the grace of Allah righteous child will born. For mouthed woman: If write (ممتحنۃ) dip in water and give its solution to mouthed woman, it is very useful.

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